React is known for focusing on UI rendering while being fairly agnostic about the other parts of your app, and that's reflected in the vibrant ecosystem that has emerged to fill these gaps!
链接到某一部分Testing Libraries
Which libraries do you use to test your React apps?
链接到某一部分React Renderers
Which libraries have you used to render React to different platforms or environments?
链接到某一部分Schema & Validation Libraries
Which libraries have you used for validating data against a schema?
我们邀请了 React 社区的成员分享他们的"年度之选"
我的 2023 年度之选: 不是你的错,Next.js 正变得越来越难使用
这是一篇很棒的博文!我认为它捕捉到了 React 当前的时代精神,清晰地阐述了 2024 年贯穿整个生态系统的一种潜在挫折感。
我们邀请了 React 社区的成员分享他们的"年度之选"
Carl Vitullo
独立创业者,目前主持 This Month in React,以及 Reactiflux 的社区负责人
Which libraries and services have you used to handle authentication?
链接到某一部分Mobile Development
Which frameworks or libraries have you used for mobile development?
链接到某一部分Other Front-end Frameworks
Which other front-end frameworks have you used?
Enterprise UI Development: Testing & Code Quality
Learn unit testing with Vitest, continuous integration via GitHub Actions, component and accessibility testing with Ax, mocking techniques, and code standard enforcement using ESLint and Husky & Lint-Staged.
React Native, v2
Leverage your JavaScript and React skills for mobile iOS and Android platforms using React Native.
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