13,003 respondents took part in the first ever State of React survey. A small sample of the overall community to be sure, but still large enough to provide us with valuable data!
Link to sectionVotre Pays
Where do you currently reside?
The majority of respondents came from the U.S. and Europe.
Link to sectionLangues
The language respondents selected to fill out the survey
Vous trouverez de petites astuces comme celle-ci à travers les résultats de notre enquête qui cibleront des fonctionnalités et détails étendus.
Link to sectionSurvey Completion
The proportion of the survey filled out by respondents.
How old are you, in years?
Link to sectionAnnées d'expérience
Combien de temps avez-vous travaillé ou étudié dans ce domaine.
Link to sectionTaille de l'entreprise
Quelle est la taille de votre entreprise.
Some charts feature additional tabs that offer complementary breakdowns of the same data, or related data. Make sure to check them out!
Link to sectionSalaire annuel
Link to sectionHigher Education Degree
Do you have a higher education degree?
Link to sectionGenre
Which one of the following options describes you?
Link to sectionOrigine et ethnies
Which of the following options describe you?
Link to sectionDisability Status
Which of the following disabilities do you experience?
Link to sectionSource
Link to sectionRessources Recommandées
JavaScript: From First Steps to Professional
Take your first steps into the wide world of JavaScript and walk away with the core skills needed to become a professional JavaScript programmer!
Free: Getting a Software Engineering Job, v2
Learn to create your compelling resume, optimize your GitHub profile for technical scrutiny, design a standout portfolio, and learn networking skills to find the best software engineering job for you.
Merci à nos partenaires de nous soutenir ! En savoir plus.