Ligazón á secciónMétodos de aprendizaxe
The React team has done a great job with the new React docs site, so it shouldn't be surprised that it has become the number one way people learn about the framework.
Ligazón á secciónBlogs e revistas
While this list is populated by many usual suspects, it's worth celebrating the presence of React-specific media such as This Week in React or React Status.
Ligazón á secciónPáxinas web e cursos
While Stack Overflow has gone through its own share of AI-related trouble recently, it still tops the rankings for now.
Ligazón á secciónPodcasts
Syntax continues to assert its dominance over the dev podcast landscape. Also interesting to note the lack of any active React-specific podcast in the top 10.
My 2023 Pick: Expo Router
Lydia Hallie
Ligazón á secciónCreadores de vídeo
While Theo and Web Dev Simplified both featured React content, it's interesting to note that despite not typically covering React, The Primeagen still comes in at #3.
Ligazón á secciónXente
When it comes to being an influential figure in the React community, it's no surprise that Dan Abramov tops the rankings – Although Kent C. Dodds and Theo both seem to be challenging for the crown.