No matter what version you use, application pattern you adopt, or industry sector you belong to, there's no wrong way to use React!
Ligazón á secciónPatróns de aplicación
Cales das seguintes arquitecturas e patróns de renderizado usaches no último ano?
Despite the focus on static site generation, server-side rendering, and server components, it's interesting to note that the vast majority of React users still work on Single Page Applications.
Ligazón á secciónTipo de uso
Ligazón á secciónSector industrial
We asked members of the React community to share their “pick of the year”
My 2023 Pick: Sonner
Sonner is the best toast component for React. Beautiful by default, highly configurable, and with a simple API to use in any project. Wonderful work by Emil.
We asked members of the React community to share their “pick of the year”
Miguel Ángel Durán
Twitch Coding Streamer & Content Creator
Ligazón á secciónUso de React
Para que empregas React?
Ligazón á secciónVersión de React
Que versión de React usas máis no día a día?
Note that the survey was conducted before the announcement or release of React 19.
Ligazón á secciónNovas funcionalidades
De cales das recentes e próximas funcionalidades estas máis entusiasmado?
Ligazón á secciónOutros inconvintes
Algún outro inconvinte de React que che gustaría mencionar?
(resposta libre)
Ligazón á secciónRecursos recomendados
Your Path to Becoming a Senior Web Developer!
Deep dive into JavaScript, the most popular framework React, Web performance, CSS, deploying websites, TypeScript, and functional JavaScript to become a professional web developer today.
Be Productive with React.js, Today's Most Popular Framework
Gain experience building, testing, and maintaining high-performance client and server-side React applications.
Grazas aos nosos colaboradores por darnos o seu apoio! Saber máis.